Sunday, January 20, 2008

while i was out......

Just a quick note to discuss out-of-body experiences and other mystical mayhem. Can anyone out there relate? Please feel free to join in on this discussion via your comments at the end of this post if you can provide us with firsthand accounts. At any rate, I was recently called to address a small gathering of students on the campus of Bard University (I gather it only merits "university" status as opposed to the quintessentially small college it actually is as a result of some rather obscure fine arts programs, but more on that later) to discuss the issues regarding electromagnetic activity and transitional body manefestation (aka: out of body experiences, or OBE--sometimes also referred to as OOBE).

The audience was comprised primarily of 18-23 year olds, with a small smattering of faculty and staff and "townies" also in attendance. Overall, the discussion was wide ranging and free to open comments. Tea and watercress sandwiches were served after the event in the presidents quarters. FYI: many of the attendees who had experiencee OBEs may have willed themselves out of their bodies, while others found themselves being pulled from their bodies (usually preceded by a feeling of suffocating paralysis).

Friday, December 29, 2006

bollywood zombie is here to complete you

Here you go, this is what you asked for I am here now, you can relax. I am going to tell you about the popular culture of outer space. This is my mind, and now your mind to. This will be fascinating and interesting for all science ficition fans. First of all, we should begin with many beautiful visuals for you. Thank you very much. I am glad to have you aboard. Please make you comments to me so that we may share in this journey of awareness together.